My 6th year as a business owner, here’s the 10 biggest realisations…
By Angela Cox, last updated February 12, 2024

As I kick off my 6th year as a business owner, here’s the 10 biggest realisations…

????I do not need to be led. I am the leader. I have what it takes to define the path, motivate myself, and to trust my decisions are right.

????The experimental mindset is critical. I can’t be wedded to an outcome, I can only be willing to experiment with approaches that are meant to deliver the outcome. If they do great, if they don’t, I have to try something new.

????I’m not ‘too expensive’. It’s a big objection I hear a lot. I believe in my ability to deliver value above to the cost. Nobody has ever said ‘you’re too expensive’ after a session.

????My clients and students are the most important people. If they need me at 10pm and I am awake, I will answer their message. Being available has been an important part of earning trust and it means clients stay long term.

????I attract the clients who are right for me. This is the reason that in 5 years of coaching, I have only had one client I didn’t connect with.

????I tell it like it is. Blending backbone with heart has been the key.

????If I have something to sell, like a retreat, or an course, I just sell it. I don’t dress it up, or go around the houses, I let people know it exists. I’m a business owner.

????I stay in my own lane. What I offer as a coach, and as a coach trainer is unique. I am the unique element. I believe in that, so don’t waste time looking over the fence.

????I temper my expectations. At the start of my journey I had expectations that I would put out a course and thousands of people would sign up (that’s what the business gurus have you believe). It meant I felt like I was failing. Now I set realistic targets based on the audience numbers I have.

????I work hard. I am prepared to work hard. And I make no apologies for working hard. It’s been a key ingredient.

????I outsource the £10 jobs, the £50 jobs, and any job that I don’t have the capability for. I also ask myself throughout the day if I am using my time wisely.

????I prioritise pace over perfection. Yes my stuff might be littered with mistakes. I might improve as we go. But I GET IT OUT THERE. And people who don’t like spelling errors are not my people.

????I break all the rules. Always have, always will. And therein lies the secret sauce!

????On 8th September, I am sharing my story on zoom. The day I handed in my notice on a whim, to building a business I love. If you would like to come along there’s a few spots left. Email for the link.

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