The Business Accelerator For Coaches

A Step-By-Step Business Course For Coaches That Will Help You Get More Clients & Create A Thriving, Profitable Coaching Career

Do you want to create a successful coaching career?

Would you like to grow your coaching business, impact more people and get paid what you’re really worth?

The coaching industry is a little different and most business courses are too generic to really fit. The Business Accelerator is a business course just for coaches, created by World-Leading Coach, Angela Cox.

This step-by-step programme shows you everything you need to know about building a successful coaching business. We'll take you through the 12 P's covering pricing to packages. Polices to processes.

What Is The Business Accelerator For Coaches?

You can be an incredible coach, but if you don’t know how to run a coaching business, you’ll never truly achieve your full potential. Business is a skill just like any other, and you can learn it, implement it and see the results grow.

But where can you learn how to grow a successful coaching business? That’s where The Business Accelerator For Coaches comes in…

Get started here!
The Business Accelerator For Coaches
From £1450.00 + VAT
Get your coaching business off to a successful start and learn the skills and practices you need to implement to find clients, keep clients and grow your coaching business to success.
Register here →
You'll learn how to...
Build A Successful & Profitable Coaching Business
From pricing and packages to contracts, ethics and insurance, we’ll show you exactly what you need to do to set up as a professional coach.
Attract More Of The Right Clients
Create the right messaging and market your coaching in a way that attracts the people who understand your value and are excited about working with you.
Convert More Clients & Keep Them For Longer
Learn how to convert prospects into paying clients and discover the key to client retention, so you can build repeat income and a strong, stable client base.
Price Your Coaching Services Profitably
Price your services strategically and charge what you’re worth. You’ll learn how to create the perfect balance between affordability and profitability.
Market & Sell Your Services
Marketing and sales are the key to growing your coaching client base. Learn how to get in front of more prospects and sell more coaching services easily and without an icky hard sell.
Create Solid Contracts & Agreements
Contracts are a key part of your coaching business as they give both parties clarity and stability. Learn how to contract effectively and form a commitment between you and your client.
Get More Reviews & Build Credibility
Reviews give potential clients confidence in your ability to deliver as a coach. Learn our proven process for collecting testimonials and reviews consistently.
Save Time & Reduce Your Workload
Your systems and processes will determine how seamlessly your business runs and how much time it takes you! Learn how to build the right processes to make your business run like clockwork.

How it works...

The Business Accelerator for Coaches is an online, self-study programme. When you sign up, you’ll start on a simple, step-by-step journey towards business success.

We’ll show you exactly what to do and the order to do it, making it easy to grow your coaching business and show up as a professional.

The content is delivered through a mix of video content, step-by-step guides, templates and action steps to complete.

You can work through the course in your own time, as quickly or slowly as you like. Most people take around 6 months to fully complete the whole course and implement the actions they’ve learnt from it.

The Business Accelerator FAQs

There are two levels:

Business Accelerator includes the online programme - £1450 plus VAT

Business Accelerator + includes the online programme plus 2 x 90-minute strategy calls with Angela £2300 plus VAT

Paseda360 Alumni get a £150 reduction in course costs.

Start Growng
Your Coaching Business Today…

The Business Accelerator for Coaches is an online, self-study programme. When you sign up, you’ll start on a simple, step-by-step journey towards business success.

Register today →