Why coaches need more than the traditional non-directive approach.
By Angela Cox, last updated February 12, 2024

We are often asked why at Paseda360 we are bucking the age-old trends of the coaching approach which insist coaches stick within the confines of a non-directive coaching practise.

As Paseda360 founder, I’ve had the privilege of facilitating thousands of hours of coaching, and through these sessions I have learnt that solely using a non-directive approach does not fully meet the needs of a client. It keeps the coaching intervention on a transactional level and any occurring transformation is shallow.

I remember in the early days of my coaching training back in my corporate career, I would conduct non-directive style sessions. One client would say ‘I don’t know’ to almost every question I posed, even the seemingly simple ones. She was so stuck, lost, and overwhelmed she couldn’t think straight. Banging the same non-directive drum does not help a client shift when they are stuck. It requiresa more directive style.

I hear ‘I don’t know’ in the coaching room today too, which is why at Paseda360 we teach coaches a more directive style which allows the coach to create a working hypothesis, present options, offer ideas, playback observations and sometimes be shift in the seat challenging.

To truly create deep and lasting change, a therapeutic approach is required.  I’ve learned through thousands of experiments and endless training encounters, that not all therapeutic approaches are equal.

Many of the therapeutic approaches offer a short term lift, which can be helpful but not sustainable. I have found and created techniques that build a resilient brain landscape , neutralise the trauma response and cultivate a positive belief system.

In 2018 I paid to have a two-day immersive session with an NLP Master. It was a fabulous session with lots of weird and wonderful techniques used. I felt fabulous afterwards and immediately signed up to train the the techniques, becoming an NLP Master soon after.

My own experience showed me that the impact of that session was short-lived, and I started to notice this with clients too. I knew there must be a better way to create lasting change and spent thousands of pounds trying to find something.

The aha moment came when I studied Psychology and Neuroscience at Uni. Understanding how the amygdala in the brain works helped me see which components where critical to the efficacy of a therapy.

I’ve found the therapies that work and have developed my own and feel a therapeutic aspect to coaching is critical.
Teaching coaches to use these therapeutic approach in their work creates a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive environment for clients to explore and understand their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

This approach helps clients gain deep self-awareness, develop resilience, and make positive changes in their lives through a new empathic perspective.
Additionally, the therapeutic approach can deep build trust and rapport between the coach and client, leading to more effective coaching sessions and better outcomes. As the relationship grows, the coach has paved the way to switch into trusted advisor role

Working the whole coaching spectrum, across the client’ whole life is the future for coaching and at Paseda360, we’re leading the way.

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