How much does it cost to become a qualified Coach?
By Angela Cox, last updated February 12, 2024

You might be asking how much money do I need to invest in training to become a qualified coach? 

The truth is, it varies. Lazy answer I know, but it’s the true answer. It all depends how much you want to learn, in what format, at which school, and the level of transformation you want to be able to deliver. 

You can pick up an online life-coaching diploma through a facebook advertisement for £19… or you can spend £12,000 doing an executive coaching diploma at Cambridge University. There’ll be a huge difference in quality for sure, but either will allow you to practise. 

You can then spend £5000 learning NLP and another £5000 adding hypnotherapy to your toolkit, before realising you hardly use any of the techniques you’ve learnt because the £1000 you spent on something else works better for your clients. 

There are so many options. 

The challenge is knowing how to choose the right things, that actually work to deliver transformational change. 

When I set out on my mission to be a full-time Coach, I had one goal. 

To be the best one I could be for my clients.

It took £120k of investment and countless hours of of learning time to acquire the knowledge and tools. I didn’t fully know what I needed, and chose lots of courses that in the end didn’t add value. 

The financial investment and lack of a ‘one stop’ approach left me feeling frustrated. 

Lots of the training I received was outdated, presenting models and approaches from decades ago, as best in class. 

Some of the training was terribly structured and delivered, with workbooks full of essays, which the trainer proceeded to read to us. 

The constraints around coaching left me feeling hemmed in. ‘You must be non-directive, you mustn’t blur the lines, don’t look backwards.’ It’s a miracle I qualified as a master coach because so many of my client sessions ‘broke the rules’. 

It occurred to me that every client I worked with was held back by something that had happened to them previously. This wasn’t always  grossly traumatic in nature, but it was impacting the thought patterns, and subsequently the behaviours of the clients. 

I decided to needed to go to Uni and study how the brain actually works when it comes to memories, past events and conditioning. Through this study, I realised that because of the way the brain encodes memory, you have to look backwards and do some work to neutralise those events, in order to move forwards. 

So I looked at my toolkit of therapeutic modalities and realised that some of them were smoke and mirrors, some provided short term fixes, and one or two work brilliantly well for one problem, but not another. I tested my thinking using my own traumatic memories and identified a gap. 

I couldn’t find anything in the therapeutic field to plug that gap, and so I developed Limitless Light Therapy.  

I realised there had been lots of other gaps in my training too. The patterns in clients behaviour I was seeing are not written down anywhere. The ‘aha’ moments I have realised about human behaviour that people don’t want to know, but need to know are not featured in the training manuals. 

Through my work with clients, I’ve had to figure out which order to do certain things on the client’s journey for a client. Client readiness, levels of stuckness and self-awareness play a big role in this. 

There is little point starting with ‘what are your goals for the coaching’ when clients (even successful, high performing ones) are usually stuck behind a pretending version of themselves, not knowing who they truly are. Better to get unstuck, uncover the real version of them, and then take steps to set goals. 

Nowhere along the way, did any of the training teach me how to actually run my business. I had to figure that out myself! 

All of this led me to realise that there must be a better way, a more refined, ‘whole coach’ approach to working with ‘whole people’.

And there is..

The Paseda360 Way

I’ve managed to sit down over several months and pull it all together, mapping out a methodology. 

????I’ve designed a method that will teach you exactly what they need to know to help humans flourish, without having to go to multiple training courses

????I’ll show you exactly how to apply it so you know how to structure the journey for your clients

????We’ll throw away the rule book, and write our own, which states we can work on past, present and future, and still be a COACH

????I’ll teach you the limitless light method and the other therapeutic techniques that generate lasting change

????I’ll show you how to build and run your business

And to get back to the questions.. how much will it cost me?

????Less than £4k to learn how to spend your career getting clients unstuck

????Less than £10k if you want to learn how to deliver the whole client journey

????Less than 10% of the £120k it cost me

Start your journey by booking onto the Advanced Practitioner Course now 

Angela Cox 

Paseda360 Founder 

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