Power of Havening Techniques in Coaching – The Paseda360 Way
By Angela Cox, last updated February 24, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving world, traditional coaching methods may fall short in addressing the complex psychological needs of clients. As people deal with increasing levels of stress, anxiety, and trauma every day, there is a growing demand for innovative approaches that offer tangible results.

That is where one approach stands out tailor-made for this, with its innovative & transformative potential, and its ability to deal with the mentality of a person. It’s called the Havening Techniques. As coaches, we strive to empower our clients to catalyse meaningful growth in the years to come, so understanding the principles and applications of these Havening techniques will become quite important. But what exactly is this, and how can these techniques help the modern-day coach and their client?

In this article, we will go deeper into talking about these principles and techniques of Havening, exploring its applications in various coaching contexts and sharing insights. Join us as we uncover the transformative potential of Havening Techniques in unlocking human potential and fostering emotional health.

Understanding Havening Techniques

So, first up: what exactly is Havening? Originating from the pioneering work of Dr. Ronald Ruden and further developed by Dr. Steven Ruden and Dr. Paul McKenna, Havening Techniques represent a groundbreaking approach to psycho-sensory therapy.

At its core, Havening is grounded in the principles of neuroplasticity and the body’s innate capacity for healing. By harnessing the power of touch, visualisation, and positive affirmation, Havening aims to disrupt the neural pathways associated with traumatic memories, effectively neutralising their emotional charge.

The mechanisms of Havening operate at the intersection of psychology and neuroscience, targeting the amygdala and other key structures within the limbic system. Through gentle and non-invasive techniques, Havening facilitates the creation of delta waves in the brain, promoting a state of deep relaxation and receptivity.

So, how does Havening apply to the field of executive coaching? Well, unlike traditional talk therapy, which often involves revisiting past traumas through verbal recounting, Havening offers a more gentle and holistic approach. By working directly with the body’s own healing mechanisms, Havening allows coaches to guide their clients towards emotional resolution and inner peace. 

The science behind Havening Techniques

Before using these techniques on your clients, you might need to understand or have an idea about the science behind the process. So, let’s have a section dedicated to understanding the history of it.

Originating from research spanning over three decades in the United States, Havening integrates tapping therapy (Electromagnetic Field Therapy, or EFT) with Havening Touch, leveraging our brain’s innate ability to generate delta waves, as measured by QEEG.

Initially exploring tapping therapy for phobias, the Rudans discovered that Havening Touch, coupled with delta wave activation, proved notably more potent and effective. This technique has since gained recognition for its ability to significantly reduce cortisol levels, heart rate, and blood pressure associated with traumatic experiences, as evidenced by research in the United Kingdom.

But what truly sets Havening apart from the traditional methods is its non-verbal nature; your clients undergoing sessions will not need to articulate their trauma, making it particularly suitable for those who find verbal expression challenging due to the distressing nature of their experiences. Remarkably, even without verbal disclosure, clients can still experience profound benefits from Havening sessions.

Another striking aspect of Havening is its rapid efficacy. Many individuals report substantial relief after just one session. For instance, one of our clients suffering from PTSD flashbacks has found lasting freedom from their symptoms after a solid single session, with results enduring for months afterwards, which is unheard of in most cases where traditional methods are followed.

Moreover, Havening empowers people to take control of their healing journey too. During sessions, your clients will dictate the direction and pace, providing a sense of agency in confronting and overcoming past traumas.

Further Research on Havening Techniques

Recent studies conducted by researchers at esteemed institutions like King’s College London and Cardiff Metropolitan University in the UK have shed further light on the effectiveness of Havening Techniques in addressing various mental health concerns as an executive coach.

In a study led by Thandi Gursimran et al at King’s College London, participants with self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression underwent a single session of Havening. Remarkably, the researchers observed a significant reduction in anxiety and depression levels immediately following the session. This pioneering research provided empirical evidence of Havening’s efficacy in alleviating symptoms associated with general anxiety and depression, marking a significant advancement beyond theoretical postulations.

Building upon this foundation, Kirsty Hodgson et al at Cardiff Metropolitan University went into the impact of Havening Techniques on individuals with Type D personality disorder, known for heightened vulnerability to anxiety and depression. 

Through a meticulous parallel-group controlled trial, the researchers demonstrated Havening’s efficacy in mitigating negative affect and social inhibition characteristics of Type D personality. Notably, participants who received Havening treatment exhibited notable reductions in heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels (key indicators of stress) within just 24 hours of the session.

Even more compellingly, many people with Type D personality disorder no longer exhibited traits associated with the condition following Havening treatment. This groundbreaking research underscores the transformative potential of Havening Techniques in modulating brain states, inducing relaxation, and attenuating responses linked to prevalent mental health conditions.

How Havening Techniques can be applied to coaching

So, to put it simply, here’s how these techniques can be used as a coach, for the betterment of your client.

1.   Emotional Regulation: Havening helps clients regulate their emotions by reducing the intensity of negative feelings associated with past experiences. This allows clients to approach challenges with a clearer mind and a more balanced emotional state.

2.   Trauma Resolution: Coaches can use Havening to help clients process and release trauma stored in the nervous system. By gently engaging the body’s natural healing mechanisms, clients can experience profound shifts in how they perceive and react to past traumatic events.

3.   Limiting Belief Transformation: Havening can be effective in disrupting and reframing limiting beliefs that hold clients back from reaching their full potential. Through targeted Havening sessions, clients can release old patterns of thinking and adopt more empowering beliefs that support their goals and aspirations.

4.   Stress Reduction: Coaching often involves helping clients manage stress and anxiety. Havening Techniques can be used to reduce stress levels by calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation. This enables clients to approach challenges from a place of greater calm and resourcefulness.

5.   Enhanced Resilience: By incorporating Havening into coaching sessions, coaches can help clients build resilience in the face of adversity. By processing past traumas and releasing emotional baggage, clients can develop greater emotional resilience and adaptability, allowing them to navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease.

Overall, Havening Techniques offer a powerful complement to coaching by providing a safe and effective method for addressing deep-seated emotional issues and facilitating personal transformation. When integrated thoughtfully into coaching practices, Havening can help clients unlock their full potential and live more fulfilling lives.

Embracing the Past for Future Growth

So, how does the havening techniques actually be so useful & tailor-made for coaching? Well, whether positive or negative, past experiences serve as the cornerstone upon which present behaviour is built. By going into these experiences, coaches can unearth valuable insights that illuminate the roots of clients’ challenges and behaviours in the long run.

1.   Understanding the role of past experiences: Every individual is ideally shaped by a unique story of past events, interactions, and emotions. These experiences imprint themselves upon the psyche, influencing beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours in subtle yet profound ways. Recognising this interconnectedness allows coaches to understand the complexities of their client’s inner worlds with empathy and insight.

2.   How unresolved past traumas affect present-day challenges: Unresolved traumas from the past can cast long shadows over the present, manifesting as recurring patterns of behaviour, emotional triggers, or self-limiting beliefs. Left unaddressed, these traumas can hinder personal and professional development, perpetuating cycles of distress and stagnation. By acknowledging and addressing these traumas within the coaching process, clients can begin to untangle the knots of the past and pave the way for a brighter, more empowered future for sure.

How to use Past Experiences for The Betterment of The Future

Clients also often find themselves entangled in patterns of thought and action that trace back to formative experiences from their past. By peering through the lens of these past experiences, coaches can illuminate the underlying drivers of their clients’ current behaviours, paving the way for profound insights and transformative growth.

1.   Exploring the interplay between past experiences and current actions: Every action, decision, and reaction in the present moment is a product of the complex interplay between past experiences and present circumstances. Clients may find themselves repeating familiar patterns or reacting to triggers rooted in past traumas, unaware of the invisible threads that bind them to their history. Through gentle inquiry and reflection, coaches can help clients connect the dots between their past and present, unravelling the tangled web of causality that shapes their behaviour.

2.   Strategies for identifying and addressing underlying issues rooted in the past: Armed with a deeper understanding of the past, coaches can guide their clients through a process of self-exploration and healing. This may involve revisiting past traumas with compassion and courage, reframing limiting beliefs forged in the crucible of experience, or cultivating forgiveness and acceptance for oneself and others. By shedding light on the shadows of the past, coaches empower their clients to reclaim agency over their present and future, forging a path towards greater authenticity, resilience, and fulfilment.

Paseda360: Pioneering the Integration of Havening Techniques in Coaching

At Paseda360, we are committed to revolutionising the field of coaching by incorporating innovative methodologies that yield visible results, and the integration of Havening Techniques into our coaching curriculum is definitely part of it. 

What sets Paseda360 significantly apart is the exclusive authorisation as the sole coaching academy granted access to teach Havening Techniques. This partnership marks a significant milestone in the coaching industry, elevating standards and outcomes to unprecedented levels. By integrating Havening Techniques into our coaching framework, we are empowering coaches with a powerful tool to facilitate transformative experiences for their clients.

Central to Paseda360’s philosophy is the recognition that effective coaching must go into the past to understand and address the root causes of present behaviour. Following the principles of havening techniques, we believe that past experiences shape our current reality, influencing the way we think, feel, and behave. By embracing these ideals, we enable our clients to go on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Final Words

Unlike traditional talk therapy approaches, Havening Techniques again offer a unique solution to neutralise traumatic experiences and foster resilience. By targeting the limbic system, Havening creates a resilient environment in the brain, effectively removing triggers associated with unhelpful behaviour patterns. This enables our clients to overcome obstacles and move forward with confidence and clarity.

So, it’s safe to say that at Paseda360, we are dedicated to facilitating holistic growth by addressing past traumas and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Our integration of Havening Techniques exemplifies our commitment to pioneering cutting-edge coaching methodologies that empower individuals to unlock their full potential.

In essence, our partnership with Havening Techniques represents a paradigm shift in the coaching industry, heralding a new era of transformative coaching experiences in 2024 & beyond. Join us at Paseda360 as we go on this journey of exploration and discovery, empowering coaches and clients alike to achieve profound and lasting change.

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